Valencia MotoGP

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Redblur, Mar 27, 2014.

  1. Greetings folks,

    I am on the verge of booking the Hotel Soralla Centro in Convento Santa Clara for the Valencia GP. It is rated highly on Tripadvisor and is central / close to the railway station which I gather is the way to go re accessing the circuit.
    Early days I know, but can anyone run through the drill of actually making the rail trip to the circuit?
    I think the race tickets I bought allow access Friday, Saturday and Sunday - though I was only after raceday seats,
    Any steers gratefully recieved.


  2. Circuit is 2/3 stops up an urban line running most of day/night from Valencia central station. Rtn tix from booking office at front entrance. Platform you want is far right. Get your race tix asap to get good stand although anywhere has good view. If you want to be near a big screen the only 1 a few years ago was 1st bend and that sells out fast but take binoculars for it. Can recommend Hotel Continental for price/location/quality.
  3. Hello mate,

    Many thanks for that - I appreciate it. Have booked race tickets through Bookmoto. 72 squid each for the Yellow stand Fri-Sun. Think that is the stand just after the left-hander at the end of the start/finish straight. Hopefully an ok spot to watch from.
    Will check that hotel too.

    Cheers again

  4. Have a look at the GPTicketshop,com web site and that will show you where your stand is and if there is a big TV screen nearby. Leaving the circuit after the race on Sunday is a mass exodus and will take extra time. Transfer from the local station used to be by bus which means queues at both ends. Not sure how far the walk is. Been twice now and both times the circuit managers couldn't manage to organise a piss up in a brewery. Stand set up is good but be warned the access isn't too well controlled and there will be people trying to muscle in especially standing/sitting in the aisles. If someone is sitting in your seat, stand your ground although be sure it is your seat as the numbering isn't clear. Take ear plugs if for no other reason than to shut out the ranting commentator who gets very excited and loud. Do try and go all 3 days because you do get more sense of the atmosphere and practice is IMO still interesting. Hope you have a great time. Andy
  5. Hi Andy. Many thanks for this really useful info. This will be the first foreign GP we have been to - the first GP ever will be Silverstone, taking the eldest grandson, in August. Done mainly UK WSB previously. I will try to get to the track on all three days but have to do the sightseeing bit with Mrs RB at some stage!

    All the best.

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