Vehicle damage

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by He11cat, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1397087145.799913.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1397087161.331744.jpg

    Wtf is wrong with people now :(
    Went to get in my car the other day to find this shit !!
    Right down one side of my car right outside my house.
    Done on the passenger side so I didn't spot right away.

    Tonight my friend in another town came back to the mirrors snapped if his bike :(

    It makes my blood boil :(
    I'd like to cut their thumbs off
  2. Police were Sposed to check in with me :( never turned up what a surprise.
    30 cars got done in another road over town .
    They caught the teens and gave them warnings and let them all go .

    I'd chop their thumbs off .
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. There's a contraption in Exeter that can do that for you. Proven to work too.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. What a thumb chopper?
  5. Had that done to my campervan. Bastards. I'd chop their fingers off too. But i'd call police, get their details and sue their parents for the work.
  6. Makes my blood boil that the Police treat this sort of crime as misdemeanor offence, 30 cars x an average of £500 damage per car, so they cause £15,000 of criminal damage and they get a "warning" and "let off" :Banghead:
  7. I would write a letter to the Chief Constable in an objective way detailing the facts with pictures enclosed and other supporting information i.e the number of other vehicles also damaged in the same night and just ask him if he honestly believes that a warning will correct the behaviour of these suspects or encourage them to act in a similar fashion again.
    I would be p#ssed off to say the least too.
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  8. Massive piss boiler
  9. Its a detection what's wrong with ya. It will show that crime is treated seriously in your area and reflect your local force's mission statement which is no doubt something like 'tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime'.
  10. It might be a better idea to write to the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for the area, asking him to re-set the priorities for the Chief Constable accordingly.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Then scratch HIS car
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    • Funny Funny x 3
  12. Wingnuts, the lot of them
  13. Seriously these little bastards need beating .
    I've got to go for a respray now and what's the betting those bastards key it again.

    The police were due out to 1. Have a look 2. Crime ref number.
    Did they show up NO
    Crime number for my collection NO ..

    Same with the kid who nicked my bike !! They caught him with it all smashed up.
    They told his Social Worker
    I got left with a bill of hundreds
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  14. Try moving Mel............might be cheaper in the long run!!
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  15. Drives me f ing nuts this sort of thing. Why the f ck can't these c nts leave other people's stuff alone is beyond me. The only things I put it down to Is stupidity or jealousness. If they worked a bit harder they could achieve something better for themselves. In the mean time a good beating would be in order !
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  16. Unsurprisingly the kids are off school for a couple of weeks this stuff always seems to happen. "Oh we are bored because we have no ability to entertain ourselves. Lets trash some peoples property because it will be funny and even if we get caught nothing will happen anyway. LOLs"

    Had our own dealings with this sort of thing a few years back - good area, doesn't matter if you move as even in a small village it still happens. Neighbour had his front window put through, his kid in hospital because the brick hit them on its travel. Police turned up, the culprits over the other side of the football field taunting them. They did nothing saying they couldn't do anything if we didn't give them the names and address of those responsible. WTF.
    Police are frankly a shadow of their former selves due to all the red tape and cutbacks IMO. Playing the stats game is all they are interested in because that is the way they are measured as successful.
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  17. Crime at that level should be dealt with swiftly and very harshly. The mindset these kids are in breeds life long petty criminals and scroungers. If they are "bored" enough in the school holidays to go around damaging hard working people's property, perhaps 12 hours community service a day, 7 days a week until school is back would occupy them better....
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  18. At a young age or drunk adulk they have no comprehension of what their actions mean to the victim....a swift severe beating would educate them in that respect i think?!
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  19. This has once again swung towards it being the Police's fault.Isn't it something that kids likely did and shouldn't we be addressing that and arguably the lack of parent control instead.I bet that many Coppers would wish to react in the fashion described here but clearly can't.
    So,who's fault is it really ?
  20. There's only one answer - cut their bollox off ! That way they don't breed and produce yet another generation of useless disrespectful tossers ! Twats, the lot of them !
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