VHS to digital conversion

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Sep 9, 2013.

  1. So im clearing out the attic and turned up a box of 1990's WSBK vids. There must be 20 or so tapes each with 4 rounds of races from 1994 to about 2000.
    Is there a cheap box of tricks i can buy to run from a video machine (i found one of those up there too.....miraculously its still working) and then convert into a digital file with a view to uploading to youtube?
    I dont want to spend much doh on this, but it would be great to share the material with other race fans.
  2. Converting your porn collection? :biggrin:
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  3. Yes, there is software that allows you to hook up to a laptop/pc. I'll ask the old dear as she did it with some family vids. Think it takes an age though as it has to be done at playback speed.
  4. My DVD player packed up a while ago when I replaced it I got one that has VHS player Besides recording on both systems it copies one to the other. I have been swooping all my old family Vids onto DVD
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  5. thats on hard drive..the home made stuff mostly on mini dv so no biggie..im guessing your nature films are on super 8??:biggrin:
  6. The thing is ive got hours and hours of these vids, so it would have to be done overnight or when im working away from home...i'll have to be selective in which races i transfer..
    Do you reckin they'd get pulled down from youtube due to copyright infringement?
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