Don't go to the office very often as usually no need unfortunately this morning was one of those times when i needed to, managed to get there early for my 09:00 meeting then promptly made myself late as spent 20 minutes looking over this which was for some strange reason parked in reception, however nobody would let me have a go:frown:
Not bad My office has a view on a graveyard... and as the weather is nice today it's full of crackheads shouting profanities at each other...
shouldnt this be moved to the gay marriage debate thread? oh, sorry, i thought it read as 'view from the orifice'....
No security, not roped off and you didn't hop on it and get your picture taken Shame on you, you may have missed the opportunity of a lifetime !
Perhaps Pedrosa has enrolled on a modern apprenticeship with BT so that he has a trade after he finishes riding bikes.
I would like to share the view from my office I had...... A mother rooting through her kids hair picking out headlice and squishing them on my window sill !!!! I banged on my window!!!! Retch
More likely an empty shell of a bitsa, used for promotional purposes. Only to be auctioned off later, as a HRC built development bike :wink:
here's the thing ,go to work more often , tip, take a socket set, oh and a can of spray paint for the security cam.