Zo zee inquiry hast found Herman zee German nicht guilty ov zis crime against zee Britisher . Roll on the first corner
If Lewis gets a half decent start (from the wrong side of the grid unfortunately) bets on the 1st corner getting messy?
Didnt seem like he did from what I saw, I mean why were the yellow flags out and why did he slow down?!
I see the petulant child moaned throughout the whole race and then stomped off if a huff... Bad looser ! I hope Nico did do deliberately - it's just the kind of mind-games that Shamilton can't cope with.
Kin hate the bad attitude of LH. Toto Wolf should sort it. A true champion is gracious in victory and defeat.
My god-son works for Merc F1 in Milton Keynes. When I asked him if LH ever comes in the factory he said "yes, sometimes, but everyone thinks he's a dick!"
I know someone, who knows the cousin of one of the Mercedes mechanics. He said Hamilton really did get something in his eye. It was one of the pips from all his sour grapes. Badum tish! Although I`m not really a big fan of f1, I think the best man won. Out of the two Merc drivers, I hope Nico goes on to win the championship.
Rosberg has much more style and grace than Hamilton but then he did grow up in Monaco, as Hamilton pointed out to him only recently.