Vulcan xh558/ weston air day

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by TT600, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Chances are, it's close to this being the last flying season for the Vulcan.
    its at weston later this month, in case anyone's interested. 22nd June. Plus bbmf and red arrows, oh and weston brass!! And a few cheerleaders, if that's your bag.......

    Weston Air Day

    hope this is useful to some.

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  2. OOh that could be worth a trip out :smile:
  3. Off to Cosford air show on Sunday where it's scheduled to fly also
  4. I saw XH558 at Sunderland a couple of years ago, definitely worth the trip.
  5. I've seen this the past few years at the air show up in Scotland. What's an awesome sight and sound when they do the fly by !!!
    Worth going to see this lads if anyone is local.
    I think last years show was the last one up here as the base is shutting I'm sure. :-(
  6. Saw and HEARD it at the Biggin Hill gig in '92. Stupendous and by Christ it's the loudest machine to this day I have ever heard in my life!

    I got lost in the crowd (it was heaving) looking for the Gents and then somewhere in the distance amongst this HUGE crowd, the beast spooled up...Jesus wept...

    Then taxiied, then airborne, right over our heads. Visceral & EARSPLITTING.

    They could have saved bombing the runway in the Falklands and just performed circuits overhead and driven the Argies insane with the noise.
  7. Seen it recently, awesome sight and sound. Give generously too folks as it's kept flying on a shoe string really.
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