I am so glad I am not a "vulnerable" person as the recent heat wave, which did not happen, I could have been at risk. I am fed up with everything from high temperatures to cuts in social services affecting vulnerable people. I have been in employment all my life, have a great pension and I am totally self sufficient so I find it hard to worry about vulnerable people. While I am having a moan I find our local news to almost be happy that a person from the airliner that was shot down over the Ukraine came from from Bristol. It gives then something to talk about.
I said to my wife " Can you hear that ? Isn't it lovely - No moaning, no complaining, and no whining". Then I put her urn back in the shed.
Yer liberal lefties love the "vulnerable", along with the teachers and the nurses, who else can they patronise to make themselves feel good. And Sky News swung into action from Schiphol; they love it. Just so there is no misunderstanding, let's be absolutely clear, I am not a Sky (Tabloid TV) subscriber. I would hate for anyone to think otherwise, assuming anyone cares but they probably don't.