Vw T4 Swb

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Nelson, May 22, 2014.

  1. Good, bad or meh...?

    Which ones to avoid/go for?

    Will a bike go in the SWB?

    Ta very much :)
  2. I know someone with a SWB T4 and he gets 2 bikes in the back for track days.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. like anything else got to start with a good one.
    personally i would have a ducato up to 2006.
  4. like anything else got to start with a good one.
    personally i would have a ducato up to 2006.
  5. My son has one he sold his Nissan Primastar to get it, personally I don't like it as much as it seems smaller than the Primastar\Trafic\Vivaro, more of a Vito size to me. He seems to like it and reckons it's better in most ways.
  6. I guess they're "cooler" :cool:
  7. ^^ You might be right but he has his own building business, so I couldn't see why he actually wanted what seems to be a slightly smaller van. I suppose it's the old you pays your money etc.
  8. Up to 18mths ago I had T4 SWB Combi 2.5 non turbo.Whip one rear seat out for one bike,all of them for two.Don't try and ride the bike up the ramp unless you're in the Circus as a human cannonball...it bastad hurts!....oh yeah,and mine left me for proper money with 205k miles on the clock and no history....
    If you can raise the extra,buy a T5 280,the 1.9 is cheapest and plenty quick enough.
    I'm running a Vivaro LWB Combi now,nice enough but not as good as a VW,but if you've got limited funds consider the Vivaro/Primastar/Trafic,(all Luton built on the same production line),but only go for the 2 litre,which is camchain.The 1.9 is cambelt and the 2.5 has chain and belt....
    I'm a bit of a van fan,sorry....
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  9. Search out Dave's thread, he bought one and iirc there was a lot of comment on it

    Personally, over priced badge-snobbery with far better value in a vivaro or similar, even the Hyundai T5 copy
  10. They are a bit rich,but you can't beat a Dub for reliability and comfort,Imho.Vivaro seats look great,but sadly disappoint in the support stakes.And you won't find many Vivaros with Starship miles because they won't last that long....
  11. All the AA vans seemed to cope pretty well
  12. Over priced van snobbery from the man who drives a merc ;),If you can stretch go for a early t5,deprecation is the key with vw vans they are actually worth something when you come to sell but i guess you already know that.
  13. I bought my blinged up T5 4 years ago, for £18K, in all that time I've only had to put a water pump, an oil seal and tyres on it. Its going at the end of this month and been told by a couple of dealers its worth 15K so thats not bad at all in my opinion.

    Pick this up next month Custom-Raceline-Xtreme-Edition-VW-T5-Transporter-Raceline-Edition
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  14. That looks pimp cool!
  15. My T5 was £4k bought it off a local car front,colour coded/rear spoiler etc etc,tidy thing but not mint
    I nailed an exterior sun visor to it and some chrome door handle covers,few other bits and bobs.
    Gave it a big service including the dreaded cambelt/waterpump,smoked it around for 18 months
    Put it on ebay 'cos I wanted a LWB,it went for nearly £6000....can't beat that
  16. In my humble opinion people pay extra for the simple fact it's a VW and is, therefore, seen as cool. I'm confident that you could get an equally good van for much less money by a different manufacturer.
    I'm not a big fan of Transporters...
  17. Your right, they're over priced, like Ducati its seen as the brand to have have so people pay for it.
  18. I've got a T5 as a hire van at present. The seating position doesn't fit me, the brakes are very sensitive and the steering is too light. Also the window switches on the door are exactly where my arm likes to rest. Hence the random window movements on the M5 yesterday!
    I have to say I prefer the Transit - although if a transit could be expected to last as long as the average Transporter is debatable.
    Ps out of curiosity I priced up T5s yesterday. £40,000 (more or less) for a 4 wheel drive 180ps version! £40k!!!!
  19. Ive got a T2. VW's are cool but I'd buy a Transit for little to no money and save my cash for trackdays.
  20. and some welding plant.
  21. not all transits have some of your old handiwork on them. I am sure there are several you havent bodged up.
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