the wife was driving back last night from fort William suddenly the car in front pulls an emergency stop. drives up on to the verge to avoid what was lying in the middle of the road and casually continues up the road. What was lying on the road? a honda with its rider still underneath it. so she stops pulls the bike of the road the fella a tourist from London starts staggering about the road. the only vehicle that stops to help is a bus driver. whats wrong in the world? an ambulance was called but she thinks he was not to badly hurt. nasty graze down the side of his helmet which had a camera on it so might end up on utube. bellends
This happeneds a lot in my trade,its not unheard of to get a motorist asking if we could move the vehicle whilst working on the patient in the vehicle so that he could get to work.Our reply is normally something as follows:- "Oh ofcourse,we will stop CPR and move it before "buzz boxing" the patient hopfully back to life again so that you can get to work.Very sorry for your inconvenience Sir". Or something similar............
i know i hear it a lot up here, quite often the road is shut usually due to some fatality and no quick detours up here. if your in the que you see them marching up to the nearest policeman arms waving. the prospect of missing the next episode of corrie must be a right nightmare.
it happened to me when I wrote off a 1098 base....I was in middle of road alongside bike when an oul doll ( old lady ) in a Mercedes drove rite up to me then reversed and drove around and away ????????still at least she didn't drive over me. I would have loved to have gotten her number plate and reported it against the law? anyhows the next three cars stopped and removed myself from road and I wasn't badly hurt.
unch: this kinda shit really annoys me. People stuck in their own little world with not a care for anybody else, let alone anybody in trouble What goes around comes around...hopefully
One of the managers here at work got punted off his Super Duke on an island.. Foreign driver decided he DID need the motorway even though he was middle lane & mate was on the inside... Foreign driver drove off (plate taken & later prosecuted) & a woman who obviously needed the motorway too drove over his fingers because he was in the way & selfishly hadnt got up... May have been down to the fact he had a broken leg & ankle..... along with 4 broken fingers... Her plate was also taken by the same helpful chap (biker in a car) who HAD pulled up to help... She was also later prosecuted.... Worlds gone mad I tells thee..