Wanted: Empty Calor 3.9kg Propane/4.5kg Butane Bottle

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Android853sp, Dec 13, 2022.

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  1. Having trouble getting a filled bottle locally without having an empty to trade in. Anyone got an empty in good overall condition that they’d be prepared to sell ? Propane would be good for the current cold spell but butane should still work. Andy
  2. Andy
    Using this to keep my shed door closed at the moment, and it would probably be safer to use a brick or something.
    It would need a scrub

    Don't want anything for it, it's even @1/3 full.


    I'm just South of Petersfield.
    #2 Nasher, Dec 13, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2022
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  3. Brilliant, thank you. Got to be worth beer tokens which I’m happy to provide :D Will PM. Andy
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  4. That’s a result. They are rocking horse do-do without an empty one to trade in.
  5. I'm more than happy for Andy to have it.

    It was given to me several years ago by a neighbour who was moving, so owes me nothing.

    As I've explained to Andy I can't believe his timing.
    I have an appointment booked at our local Tip on Thursday morning and was considering taking it along to see if they would accept it, just to get it out of the way.
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  6. With many thanks to @Nasher, I have one 4.5kg Calor Butane bottle but have been advised (by my local calor rep) the bottle is unlikely to last particularly long so looking to find another 4.5kg butane bottle if anyone has one languishing around their gaff. There are a fair few on eBay but none that close to me. Andy
  7. A stroke of good fortune whilst I was out, a local heavy machine hire company have donated an empty bottle that is surplus to their requirements. Happy days and I’ve bought a lottery ticket just in case my luck hasn’t run out :D @Ducbird, Viv, happy for this thread to be closed now I’m sorted. Thank you. Andy
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  8. Thread closed :)
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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