Wanted: Homepage content creator/curator for Ducati Forum

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rob, Sep 11, 2012.

  1. Hi all,

    So, I've been unavailable for a while with work and the main homepage has lacked any content as many will have noticed. The homepage gets good coverage on Google search, and it's important to attract new visitors and members to the site to help make us the best Ducati resource in the world (one day!). The main page is a custom integrated page onto the forum and I spent quite a bit of time getting it right (including a database crash in the early days!).

    So, I was looking for someone to help out editing the homepage content. It requires a little time investment and a small knowledge of web blogging experience (preferably Wordpress) as it is a little more involved than posting on the forum. Ideally we'd see a new post every couple of days or so.

    What would be required? Basically, anything Ducati related, and of interest, added in a timely manner and a link through to the forum so members can comment on a particular story. A lot of the content will be readily available online, from press releases to race reports etc. But some minor content creation would be preferred (like the Ducati Dealer theft) as it local and of interest to us all.

    There would very small monthly donation made by myself (£30 a month via paypal), to the person who is right for the job! Hopefully someone out there will be up for it!

    If anyone is interested, please do fire me over a PM, I'll do my best to answer any questions asap.


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  2. Watch out for the power crazed eejits, ala Ducatisti tho Rob. :eek:

    Megalomaniacs need not apply....please!
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  3. +1

  4. I'd LOVE to take this on - but my IT literacy is minimal, to say the least... :frown:
  5. So is your spelling.......normally.................:biggrin:

  6. Why don't you do the updates on the home page Anth ? :upyeah:
  7. I was thinking that too Steve
    Anth would be ideal :)
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  8. Anth for president!!
  9. I could be interested, but my Wordpress skills could do with some freshening up
  10. Not Anth he's a piss taker you need someone like me :tongue:

    Sorry Rob I'm not available, Spose Anth would be a poor but acceptable 2nd choice .:biggrin:
  11. Anth!...isnt he northern?
  12. Yep can't you tell, he's got a sense of humour.
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  13. not one that's immediately apparent

  14. you said it not me.:eek:
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  15. Remember this thread before it's too late Rob........

    Seen as the censoring of threads, adverts in footers bigger than the posts the owners make, the continual moving of threads and the bitching that's now the norm......

    Welcome to Ducatisti 2 folks!

    Can't wait for the total deleting of threads to start........
  16. Matt can blog - Anth would keep us all tickled pink, I'm sure.

    Not me I'm afraid, but I can provide some 848 track day/club racing in Aus type content on an irregular basis throughout the year if that helps?
  17. Thats a bit unfair Anth. Personally I'm just trying to keep things tidy and i'll only step in when personal insults start to fly. The only threads I've deleted have been at the orginal posters request. If you, or anybody else feels like I'm overstepping the mark, please let me know. I like it here and I have made some friends along the way. If I change anything, I email the original poster and explain what i've done and why I've done it. The last thing I want to do is upset people. I hope that all understand that
  18. If you want to submit some stuff, I'm sure that it would be welcome :smile:
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