
Discussion in 'Panigale' started by SimonT, Nov 24, 2013.

  1. Warming up the bike on the drive as normal turned round and heard a loud crash.

    Damn thing had fallen off the side stand.

    Snapped clutch leaver and handle bar, bent gear lever.

    Luckily no fairing damage.

    Just make sure your are on level ground, or slightly up hill as it vibrates like a bugger.
  2. Re-arrange into a well known phrase or saying:

    "stable horse door after the shutting the bolted has" :smile:
  3. Ooops, i feel my side stand on my ST is a bit of a feeble thing and really dont like to use it on anything other than solid level tarmac. I use the centrestand all the time or as often as possible.
  4. experience is the result of man's misfortunes - commiserations
  5. ^^^^^^^ too true.

    I'll match your "damn thing had fallen off the sidestand".
    ....and raise you a "I disconnected the sidestand switch, then one day pressed the starter while it was in first gear and the bike lurched and fell into a lampost".
    Result ...one dented tank.
  6. There is often method behind madness, but can I ask why you disconnected the sidestand swtich?
  7. bad luck, hope its not too costly to repair.
  8. So I could warm the engine with the bike on the sidestand. Previously it would only run with the stand up.
    Thought I'd never be daft enough to start it in gear, but my number came up eventally.
    Since then though, I've replaced the sidestand switch and linked it via a little 50p diode to the neatral switch. ...an extremely neat and cheap mod.
    Now it will start on the sidestand, but only if its in neutral.

    As for the repair, for now I've just left it as a reminder never to be so stupid again.
    Longer term, it'll mean a repaint with a slight change to the paint scheme, which I've been fancying for some time but lacked good reason to bother.
    ...silver linings an' all that !
  9. I feel for you but have to ask, why is it not tucked up till we get at least two swallows...
  10. Coz I have to ride it everytime its dry!!!
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  11. Exactly the same thing happened to me a few years back. Now I'll only run a bike if it's on a paddock stand or I'm sitting on it.
  12. Bad luck, I hope you restore your Bella back to perfect condition soon.
  13. Sorry to hear Simon - out of interest, how did the mirror stalk hold up and did it help prevent fairing damage?
  14. It will be back next week with a small dent in the wallet and a large dent in my pride!!

    Not even a scratch on the mirror or the body work, which given the noise it made falling over was a surprise. It looked like the handle bar took the majority of the impact.

    It was strange the gear peg bent as well instead of snapping.

    All in all a "lucky" escape.....
  15. I dunno if it applies to 999 but I only ever warm mine up when im sat on it
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