Fairly new on here but have been polishing toys for a while, thought I'd share my obsessive ways. WD 40 on greasy bits and tar spots etc, brush, wipe with rag. I use Bilt Hamber Surfex HD on really dirty bits, 50:50 with water in a spray bottle. Agitate with a brush. This works especially well in the chain fling on the back wheel. Bilt Hamber auto Wheel to get the crud off that's left after the surfex does its thing. If I'm doing my chain I use GT85 and a rag. Bodywork rinse, then either really dilute surfex HD (if I'm polishing and waxing as it can strip wax) or big orange wax friendly shampoo. Rinse. Chamois. Have a few beers, come back when it's dry. Autoglym super resin polish x2 linen on, micro fibre off. I used to stop at this point but found the finish didn't last as long as I'd like and could never find the time to do it as often as I'd like and then someone pointed out that if I waxed is actually save myself time..... And they were right. Collinite marque d'elegance wax x 2 (this stuff is amazing. I discovered Collinite in the form of marine wax when I was waxing the hulls of yachts. Big f@$k off shiny ones.) Deep long lasting shine for 3-4 months depending on use and washing. £25 a tin makes it good value too for a high end wax. Sponge on, microfibre off (wax on... Wax off Daniel San). It makes washing a doddle in between wax coats.