Watched Oblivion last night...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. Quite a good movie! I prefer movies on my home cinema... Much better than going to the cinema...

    got a nice collection of films now... Got to be 3000+ now on DVD and Blu-Ray!
  2. Me too. It was shite. Sorry. :tongue:
  3. Did you not get the story?
  4. Yep, I got the story. Even without the plot holes and sentimentality. It looked good visually. But I thought it was just stupid. Time and time again the drones never just shot him. The chase scene was like a cop chase with the 3 drones waiting and then they stole a scene from star wars as they flew through the ravine. I also wondered where the hell the survivors found food. Plus his little lake where she lived at the end, wheres the grub. The lake had birds etc ffs!! Come on pull the other one.

    Interesting story to a point.
  5. Hmm... Food aside (and I get your point here) I thought it was a well thought out movie... The action blurs some of the plot though...
  6. Sounds like my collection :tongue:
  7. The premise is sound but I cant overlook plot holes. It annoys me as I feel we are being taken for fools by Hollywood. Dont get me wrong it was entertaining mostly but it could have been a belter and I felt let down a bit. I only watched it last night so I may loosen up about it in time.

    I read a lot. At least 2 books a week (depending on size). I am currently doing the Sci Fi theme. Ive read all of Asimov. Clarke, Banks, Reynolds, Hamilton, Dick, etc etc. I like Sci Fi. But I like a tight plot and I can spot a plot hole from a mile. Sometimes I can let them go but I couldnt with this film, it took itself too seriously. It was as silly as Prometheus. The new Star Wars has plot holes but it doesnt take itself too seriously and its a fun film and thus gets away with it.
  8. I'd sooner drink myself to Oblivion than watch stuff like that. TBH. It is Science "Fiction" after all......................
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  9. I enjoyed the film right up until it got a bit Independence Day at the end...:rolleyes:
  10. Why does your weight affect how many books you read?
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  11. maybe it's a bit of light reading?...:cool:
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  12. Spoiler Alert!

    Wasn't it a ripoff of Moon? What with the clone thing. Moon was a recent Brit flick by Bowies son.
    #12 Sharky698, Aug 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2013
  13. errr spoiler alert
  14. Was absolutley nothing like Moon. For a start Moon was good.
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  15. I know it was nothing like Moon except the whole plot twist hinged on the clone thing didn't it? In that respect it was a total rip, something Hollywood had overlooked.
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