Watercannons for England, Yea or Nay?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by timberwolf, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. Its a Yea, for me as long as they could be converted to pump out pig slurry. I think the cost is £90,000 for three from Germany if we want them.
  2. i, theirs a few you down there that could be doing with a wee rinse under the collar
  3. I don't think they are really necessary
  4. If nothing else they can help to put the fires out.
  5. YES and make sure water is cold. Nothing cools the spirit down like high pressure cold water in a cold day.

    If not needed for main task can be used to clean my bike or put a fire down :)
  6. oh how we stand idly by whilst all our freedoms and rights are eroded. The nation that gave the world the Magna Carta and the Treaty of Arbroath amongst others surrenders her hard fought freedoms on a whim drummed up by media panic.

    Run along children, follow the piper to your doom.
  7. Just NoNail them to a sea wall in the south west of England!
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  8. Seriously though, what would they be used for?
  9. They'll be used by Westminsters militia to stamp out legitimate protest.

    However this country is awash with people who will stand up and flick the V at them under the torrent of water. History of this country is full of it.
  10. Guess there's water to spare...:upyeah:
  11. According to the Mayor of London - "to respond to public disorder"

    If you are interested in reading more, check out change.org for details.
    I think this miserable excuse for a Government is starting to realise how unpopular they are; and want to do all they can to control legitimate protest to their policies.

  12. not repairing roads, getting rid of tax discs, water cannon. is the fuel running out?
  13. The fuckers are preparing for something. Getting them in before they break the bad news to us lot. Poll Tax Pt III.
  14. i am glad i dont live in the big city. think i will buy a gun, a big gun theirs gonna be rape and pillage. and dudes steeling my turnips to feed there kids.
  15. Bit of a waste of money in my opinoin, cant beat a good FRG (Federal Riot Gun) round fired at any ringleaders and a snatch squad with 6 cell maglites instead of mamby pamby wooden batons. Amazing watching a full on riot go quite after they see someone hit the deck after hit by a 'rubber bullet' then get dragged away being twatted by 4 blokes as they go.
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  16. Do we have a problem with violent or disruptive protest? I wasn't aware that there was a cause for concern.
  17. Have you forgotten the riots of 6-11 August 2011, which affected many parts of London and other cities very badly? Do you want to see again the pictures of looted shops and burning buildings?
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  18. CCTV turned off, snatch squads, coppers love it. Thats why most join, have a fight :upyeah: Just like Paras, except they dont like being shot at
  19. yes, can't understand why we haven't got them already. When there is unrest, bring in the army with a different approach. Read the riot act, give the miscreants 10 mins then arrest everyone in sight.
  20. Pete, I haven't forgotten, but it was in 2011. When was the time before that?

    Are 3 water cannons going to protect every street in the the city all at once?

    It's entirely unnecessary.
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