My Gortex Daytonas are on their last legs. They have been really good; I am on my third set of outers, but the inner membrane around the tongue has started to fail. I cannot face spending the now-silly money on a new set. I also have a pair of A* SMX boots, but they are not waterproof, so I have been looking at getting some over-boots for them. Does anyone here use overboots on top of a race boot? Any recommendations?
You'll end up getting new Daytonas. May as well avoid spending good money on stuff that isnt as good as the Daytonas overall.
Totes used to do an overboot, like a stretch welly. I always used to take a pair with me when touring in race boots. They worked really well. One just had to be careful putting them on as tops would rip if you tried to just haul them on, instead of getting the foot section on first. A bit like King Charles’s butler helping him on with his socks.
I'm with Bootsam, you'll be just used to the Daytona's so just get yourself a new pair rather than the faffery of over boots that will just flap around and then split on the footpegs etc. Alpinestar do two versions though of the SMX, I have a pair of SMX Goretex and they have been really good, whether they are Daytona good, I doubt...
I used to go the bike show With a chum and over three years I bought two pairs of boots, he’d said the first year to buy Daytonas but I ignored him. Eventually I listened and bought a pair and they have lasted 5 years already!
On my 2nd pair of Dainese Goretex boots in over 20 years, the last pair lasted a good 15 years and plenty of miles a couple of offs and only started to leak in the last couple of years. Mind you I don't wear them all year round Andover the last ten years tend not to ride in the winter. The current pair should see me out then... They do get some use in spring and autumn, will be wearing them tomorrow on a 240 mile ride into Wales. I sometimes wear short, non waterproof boots when touring in hot weather. Currently have a pair of Oxford Rain Seal overboots for when it rains. A bit clumsy but far more robust than some other overboots I've used. Generally not a fan of Oxford Products. Most of what they sell is tatt, plus they once nicked some of my photos and used them on their packaging cheeky feckers.
A mate of mine used some over boots once. I looked at them with suspicion. We got to the ferry in Portsmouth and the overboot snagged on something when he went to put his side stand down. He hit the deck, damaged his shoulder and ruined his trip. I’d never wear them. Get waterproof boots, it’s cheaper. Or even endure wet feet, it’s better than a broken shoulder.