Big news on todays tv and radio - Wayne Rooney "might not" be Manures first choice striker. Not confirmed. Jesus, did that spoil my day - can't stop worrying about poor Wayne, his offspring Clay, Cloy, his gold digger Colleen, his bank account, and his hair transplant.
The BBC report him to be "angry and confused". I bet some rotten bastard has rubbed the big letters "R" and "L" from the inside of his football boots.
wayne who? skilled but a dirty player and no loyalty, will be remembered for drilling a granny hooker, wont be playing for my club either as we cant afford him ; )
Looks like Man Utd (started by ferguson) are trying to orchestrate his exit, without it looking bad on them. I feel sorry for Rooney. Hang on........No I fucking don't. He's nothing more than an overpaid, baldy, Shrek lookalike. World class my arse :smile:
Overpaid half-wit that can't put a coherent sentance together, and would be stacking shelves in Lidl's if he had to rely on anything other than his ability to kick an inflated pig's baldder around slightly better than all the other overpaid half-wits...
I've been watching the women's football for the past hour - it's not that I appreciate the football, I'm just praying for rain to make it interesting.......
Breaking News: Wayne Rooney has agreed to join Chelsea FC after his wife Coleen agreed personal terms with John Terry. He's always "Angry & confused"
Pmsl .... Share and share alike I do like Beckham .. At least he puts himself out there and does some good in the name of sport . Can't say I'm keen on the Mrs
I'm a fan of Mourinho. He is definitely one of the funniest people in a sport that takes itself far too seriously. As an aside, it is really interesting that in cricket, people seem to have a love of, and respect for, the game first and foremost, and then get around to supporting a team to win. When Broad didn't walk - strueth! the pandemonium! Whereas in football, if you can gouge out your opponent's eyes and stamp on his testicles while the ref isn't looking and get away with it, half the ground thinks you're a hero. Cricket is cool.