Hi, has anyone else had an email from [email protected] saying due to an error in the postage prices you have to pay an additional $3 or your tickets wont be sent? They give the usual banking details etc but my tickets came via VIVATICKET not this lot. I haven't done anything with it as its seems like a scam and there' nothing about it on Ducati UK website. If it isn't a scam, they've a bloody cheek to ask for it when they cocked up! Dear Customer, After a check we noticed that the amount for shipping costs selected by you for WORLD DUCATI WEEK 2018 is actually incorrect. The shipping cost foreseen for the one that you requested is of €15.00 but your payment is only of €12.00. At this point we kindly ask you to pay the difference of €3.00 with the following current account details: CARIPARMA - IBAN IT 97Y0623037071000040102500 The reason must the VIVATICKET code include NOTICE: the shipping will not take place until the payment is done. Kind regards BEST UNION COMPANY SPA Nota confidenziale: Il presente messaggio e/o eventuali allegati è rivolto unicamente all'attenzione del destinatario ed il relativo contenuto potrebbe avere carattere riservato, ne e' quindi vietata la diffusione in qualunque modo eseguita. Se il presente messaggio e/o eventuali allegati le fosse pervenuto per errore, vorrà provvedere alla sua distruzione e le saremmo grati se ce ne comunicasse via e-mail l'errata ricezione. BEST UNION COMPANY SPA non si assume alcuna responsabilità per eventuali intercettazioni, modifiche o danneggiamenti del presente messaggio e-mail e/o eventuali allegati. BEST UNION COMPANY SPA garantisce inoltre il rigoroso rispetto del D.Lgs. 196/2003 (Tutela dei dati personali). Tutti i dati trattati dalla scrivente non verranno comunicati a terzi se non per esigenze connesse alla prestazione del servizio. Best Union Company ha adottato una policy datoriale per il controllo della posta elettronica da persona diversa dal destinatario nei casi di necessità. Pertanto i messaggi inviati e ricevuti dal presente account non hanno natura personale. Per richieste inerenti la tutela della Privacy rivolgersi a
Were the tickets 12 of 15 and what did you pay? Think I'd drop DUK a line, sounds like possible data breach somewhere if they have the details of ticket users to target and its a scam.
Checked my ticket and its 12 euros as it was on the website link sent to me by Ducati. Have sent the details on a contact form to Ducati mate
Imagine, 100k people with tickets being asked for €3 extra....even 10% would be a nice pay day. But you wonder how they get the money out if its a real account
I got the e-mail as well and was worried it was a scam. A friend has said she was going to contact Ducati UK about something else and would raise it with them. I paid 55 Euros for the ticket itself (as a DOC member) and 12 for postage when I bought the ticket. I'd be interested in Pete1950's input as he says he has already received his ticket.
Hmmm. This website has that same email address at the bottom of the info http://www.incontro-ducati.de/WDW2018 _Ticketing_istructions_DOC_ENG.pdf
Since you ask, when I ordered my ticket on 30th March I was asked to pay €55 for the ticket plus €15 for home delivery, total €70. I paid €70 by credit card. I have no idea why you were only asked to pay €12.
I got the email too. Just been and looked as if I was buying tickets now. Postage is 12 Euro to UE or 15 Euro to Switzerland. So I paid them 12 Euro. I have emailed them back to say I think they have made a mistake because I am not in Switzerland. Cost of a payment of €3 is about €9.
Thanks Pete1950 - you were the first person who said they'd actually received their tickets, which is why I was interested in what you'd paid. I paid for my ticket on 27th March. I wonder whether they put the postage price up for recipients in the EU or UK at the very end of March. I also wonder whether someone at Ducati HQ has made a mistake about the official Brexit date and thought the UK is no longer in the European Union from March 2018 (not March 2019) and has decided to impose a "Brexit tax" lumping us in with Switzerland as non-EU European countries already!
Has anyone had a definitve answer on this - as I've had the same email asking for an additional 3 Euros - which I cant actually pay anyway as the email they sent doesn't contain the information required by my online banking to actually send a payment - ie Bank Name and Address and Account Name.... ?
Apparently DOCGB are on the case with this talking to Ducati about it..... i'll post back when I hear further - their advice at the moment is do nothing.
Just received this email from DOC GB "Dear members. Just a quick note for those members who are going to WDW. There seems to have been a mix up regarding ticket delivery costs, Best Union (the ticketing agency) thanks to some ambiguous wording on the dropdown options for ticket delivery costs have lead quite a few, me included to choose the wrong delivery option, €12 instead of €15. They have then be asked for an extra €3 to cover, which must be paid by IBAN bank transfer which costs extra and is a fiddle to do. So If you are buying tickets for delivery please make sure that you chose the €15 option to save hassle later. We have contacted Best Union and Ducati to ask them to sort this out but we are waiting for their response. Regards. Kevin Baker."
Thanks ElToro for the update. It still leaves me (as someone who selected the 12 Euro delivery cost option from the dropdown box on making my purchase) a little unsure about whether I should pay the extra 3 Euros now (plus whatever additional costs are involved in making the payment - although I will hope to use Transferwise to minimise these), or whether the request to Best Union and Ducati to "sort this out" might mean Best Union and Ducati will admit their error and swallow the costs themselves and post the tickets to those of us who paid 12 and not 15 Euros for postage without any additional payment.
The problem seems to be that the company that runs the purchasing for Ducati think that the UK has left the EU already so treating us as euro extra. I think the various UK owners clubs are already dealing with Ducati about this
UE I understood to be short for "Unione Europea", which is why I selected the UE dropdown option. The next box down refers to "Europa (extra euro)" Perhaps the company managing the ticketing mistakenly believed the European Union was synonymous with the Eurozone (countries which use the Euro as currency). The Eurozone doesn't include the following EU member states: UK, Sweden, Denmark, Croatia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Czech Republic for example? I wonder if Ducatisti in e.g. Denmark or Poland have received similar e-mails about their WDW tickets? If what they intended was to charge different postage rates for European countries which used the Euro, from European countries which do not use the Euro as their currency (whether or not they are EU members), they went about it in a hamfisted and ambiguous way!