Upon picking up my 2010 2 weeks ago, the dealer showed me round the bike and I made a point of noting the mileage was about 6k. A few miles after leaving an oil change service warning came on. I knew the dealer had done this early and also know you can't reset these until you have reached the mileage. I spoke to the dealer and they said if I popped in they would reset it. Just have to ride 600 miles as that's what the oil alert states. Now I ride the bike more though, the mileage total States 700, odd miles. Has the mileage reset and it's asking me to do the first 600 mile oil service?!?
So you are saying when you bought the bike the mileage showed as 6,000 miles. But now it is showing 700 miles. And you are asking if that is OK? The answer is no, it's not OK.
The service light is just to indicate it needs doing, my 2011 848 Evo had its service done early 100 miles later service light came on, I popped in to dealer and they just reset it simple.
But what I'm unsure about is the total mileage. When a service light comes on, does this 'reset' to show total mileage relating to service? Then once the service indicator has cleared it will revert to actual total mileage?!?
Your mileage is shown top left of the main screen. Service indications are shown on the round LCD display to the bottom right of the cluster.
Riding into London on this very windy morning so will upload a pic in 30-40 mins. Total has definitely dropped from around 6k?!?
Are you sure you're not looking at a trip reading instead of total mileage. Top left switch if I remember correctly?
Don't ask me why it's adding 3 photos when I only click one. Anyway, here it is. Total. Bike should have just over 6.5k by now (was 6k when I picked it up about 2 weeks ago)
Faulty dash to begin with? Many of us had it replaced ( mine at 22000 miles). You say the original mileage was 6000. Not a lot for a 2010 MTS. Have you gone through the service history?
6k is correct mileage. In the dark I can see the ever so slight glow on neutral so it's not a brand new dash. It definitely was showing 6k until the oil warning came up and then the total was showing 650 odd total miles. My thoughts were that the oil warning resets the total to show how far over service you are going but now I'm thinking the whole clocks mileage had gone down to 650 and the oil warning is referring to the 600 mile run in service. Anyone else's oil warning show '600 miles' or does it show the mileage of the next oil service?
The total miles on the left should only increase as you add more miles, it will never show less unless you have Trip 1 or Trip 2 selected. The Oil Service in the round display on the right will countdown showing "Oil Service 600", "Oil Service 500", etc. dropping every 100 miles. When it reaches the appropriate figure, 7,456 miles (12,000km) for the first oil service it will show "Oil Service 7500". If the mileometer shows anything other than the total mileage then it's faulty.
Well my oil 600 hasn't dropped at all. Also by your comment of seeing oil service 7500 for your 7.5k service, that means my clock has reset to new as I rode away from the dealer. They did replace the key battery as I left but can't think of why it would have done that?!?
Booked in for 25th for a plug in diag. Need the bike for now hence the delay. Bike seems happy as Larry other than this.