Well here's a fairy tale....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Nelson, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. Awesome story amazing bike
  2. An amazing find and a great story. I'm guessing whoever sold it didn't realise what they had... Stunning bike, and good to see Foggy back on it!
  3. Wonder if the buyer told the seller...
  4. Interesting question.

    Nice bike with a great history.
  5. Great story and what a find,lovely looking bike in the flesh, sorry it didn't make more than two laps as whit had just passed him into the hairpin and I was awaiting the fight back.

    Mallory 1000 Bikes 021.JPG

    Don't know whether the owner would have appreciated foggy doing a long burnout in front of us though.

    Mallory 1000 Bikes 021.JPG
  6. I sold Tom Corsa race bike a few years back. Wasn't that one though
  7. Great link Nelson, love the pic with fogy's face lit up, says it all.
  8. nice............
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