Well It Is Easter

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. So I'm having hot cross buns and a cuppa this fine morning :)

    Good morning!
  2. Dammit! Dammit!
    No hot cross buns in Switzerland.
  3. Just setting of to work.
  4. Gap in the market Alex. You'll have your Superleggera before you know it ;-)
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  5. Just butter on mine elt please
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  6. I am just about to start fitting the last of the new kitchen units :Cigar: then out for a ride later :upyeah:
  7. Ready, steady.........bake!
  8. I may look into the recipe. Crumpets are supposedly impossible to make but HCBs? Hmmm. Let's see.
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  9. The wife asked if we could put her mother up for Easter.

    I've bought some wood, some nails & a new hammer.......

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  10. Hot cross buns | BBC Good Food

    Hollywood buns.....

    And perhaps your nearest equivalent.....Ruppeiner | Dorfbeck

    Or perhaps go for a Pausenbroetli?
  11. The sun is out and nice and bright............a few clouds rolling by......


    ,,,,,,,,the north east wind is a blowin' and it is f-ing freezing here..........and it was yesterday as well........

    I keep thinking I'll get out on the bike and then another blast hits me and I go back indoors considering putting the heating on......
  12. Not to warm here in Sussex either.When that old wind catches you you know about it.
  13. The HCBs are underway. Waiting for them to rise before ovening. The piping of the cross looks a bit challenging. I'll see how I get on. I do have the recipe in a very good book: Mark Hix's British Food.
    Photos to follow! (though I might regret that).
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  14. Finally togged up and got out on the bike for a 50 mile run......

    ......now frozen stiff apart from one bit which seems to have disappeared.............
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  15. Been like that here but I've done 170 miles :eek:
  16. [​IMG]
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  17. Just got home from work. :)

  18. Good man!!

    Impressed you had all ingredients in your cupboard.
  19. Time to lay a new patio

    Well put the foundation down
  20. What have you done to Wantz???? :eek:
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