What are the top 3 on your "bucket list"?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Mar 16, 2014.

  1. Mine at the moment, (and subject to frequent change) are :-

    1 Take a holiday to Oz
    2 Learn to speak Spanish
    3 Retire somewhere warm (not the local crem !)
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  2. get out on the bike.
    get out on the bike when dry.
    get out on the bike when warm and dry
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  3. ride 1800 miles safely
    don`t get wet too often
    still have the feeling in my legs after 6 days
  4. 1) bucket full of nice soapy water
    2) a bucket full of coal on Hogmanay.
    3) a wee upturned bucket tae sit on
  5. A red one
    An orange one (tick)
    A yellow one
  6. Have you got a purple one?
  7. Dont want one :confused:
  8. 1. Be able to retire in a secluded house in warm climate next to lake or see. House yet needs to be fully loaded
    2. Have more bikes then I can ride in a month (so 32 or more :D )
    3. Can not say as it is pure pornography.....
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. 1 Bike touring holiday in New Zealand
    2 A Diavel (as a second bike, not instead of the Monster)
    3 Enough money put aside so that I can keep on biking when I'm old(er) and grey
  10. 1. Nail Kelly Brook
    2. Nail 200mph
    3. Nail down a bona fide classic bike before it rises in price
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  11. One out of three then fig. That honda thing a future classic
  12. Well, I've got more chance of nailing Kelly than I've got of getting 200mph out of the bugger...
  13. I've got more chance of getting 200mph out of my DR than you nailing Kelly..
  14. Only cos she hasn't met me yet...
  15. I got more chance of getting 200mph out of my camper van.
  16. 1.Smiling each morning as I wake up next to the woman I love.
    2. Dying after my parents so I get my inheritance
    3. Freefall licence
  17. 1. Nailing Kelly Brook before Fig does because I don't like slopy seconds and so I can gloat
    2. Nailing Kylie and Danni together
    3. Winning MotoGp in my rookie season

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  18. El Tel. Is this some weird Northern practise?Why on earth would anyone want to "nail"two Aussie women to each other?
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  19. Schoolboy error. I should have noticed that :D
    1. To repair the hole in it
    2. To empty the KFC from it and
    3. Not to kick it too soon
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