1200 What Are Your Favourite Settings?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by GEH007, May 15, 2014.

  1. For solo riding?

    Some say solo in sport with touring power map. Or touring with sport map.

    Some say solo plus luggage in touring

    And so on.

    What do you think gives the best blend for solo riding?
  2. That'll depend on the model and spec? I have a 2012s Touring with the Ohlins semi active SCU and have removed the OE catalytic converter. I have set the SCU to work in urban, touring and sport on solo with luggage and jacked the preload up to near maximum. For me urban in solo + luggage has the lazy delivery but the tight suspension that let's you hurl the bike into twisty bits with abandon. If I need to get somewhere in a hurry then sport is the one. If I'm touring then the touring + luggage is the middle ground. Probably not the decisive answer you were looking for but the Multistrada is exactly that for me, a bike for all seasons. Andy
  3. Ah yes, good point.

    Ohlins bikes im referring to, hence reference to solo, luggage etc.
  4. I always start off from cold in Urban/solo. Once engine & tyres are warmed a bit, up the rear suspension preload to + luggage, or if carrying luggage to + passenger & luggage. Once out of the city, up to Sport. Never use Touring.
  5. Maximum throttle.... Sorry just read the heading ...
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