Happy weekend team. i have tried to get my head around this but i ran out of ideas. As some of you may know, i have two 900 SS, a 1991 with 14.000 miles and a 1996 with almost 40k. 1991: Stock, with termignoni and Ca-cycleworks coils. I get poor - lazy throttle response when revving from idle. I also noticed that the revs drop slower than the other bike. It's not the feeling of rev hanging but kinda like a heavy flywheel. It seems to be between 1000 to 2000 rpms, any revving higher than that, she revs perfectly. No problem when riding and she is surprisingly smooth in every gear even below 3000rpms. She pulls strong. 1996: Stock, with Hawk end cans and stock coils: I get amazing throttle response when idling, the throttle feels very reactive, and the revs seem to drop quicker than the other. This one runs like crap and it's not as reliable as the other one. I have tried several adjustments and settings on the 1991 but i can't seem to achieve those small crispy and nicely sounding "mini revving" from idle and she still seems lazy and slow in response. i wonder if you guys have any suggestions on what this may be and how comes a younger (in miles) engine feels less responsive than a 40k one which runs like crap.
You could look at all the settings for the carbs to see how similar they are? Could it be a minor blockage on the low speed air circuit? I had a CA Cycleworks coil that was dud from new. Took me ages to diagnose, it ran but badly and I thought it was the carbs
I considered that. The 1991 had initially stock (grey) coils and yet was doing the Same. The CA-cycle works one were laying new in my garage as my father brought them to me when he last visited but I never fitted them. When you say settings for the carbs, where would you intervene? These are recently rebuilt and ultra sonically cleaned. They have been rebuilt as stock from Ducati.