Remember them ? Biggest bike insurer in the country... Used to have offices in all the major towns, where you could go and talk to a real person - one who knew what you were talking about ? Well, it seems that they have forgotten all that since they got taken over by Aviva - bunch of useless pillocks ! No pillions, say leading motorcycle insurer - MCN Compare Insurance | MCN
Don't think they were taken over, much like marathon they changed brand name Pillions are the biggest personal injury cost, both genuine and fraudulent, to mc insurance industry. They'd all ban them if they could!
They used to have an "any bike or bikes up to 900cc" policy back in the 90s. I used to insure an 851 AND an SP4 AND run a little commuter bike for 65 quid a year. Long gone now of course. Sigh.....
I used to have 'Norwich Union Rider Cover' for many years, as did most of my mates. It meant you could ride any bike, of unlimited size, whether your property or not, for a set annual premium. Made it very simple if you had more than one bike, or often borrowed bikes or bought and sold bikes. When they abolished it, annoyingly they did so at very short notice and I had to get specific bike cover sorted out in days.
When I first started riding bikes on the road, the Prudential was very competitive, in fact more so than Norwich stupid rules and exclusions........... .apart from the bloke with the red flag, that is......
Rebranding is often just a pathetic ego excercise by the owning group board of executives. Too many experts advising false benefits and the new stationary, signage, new advertising campaigns etc, etc often costs a fortune. I think the net result is often a well regarded local brand becomes someone you trust and rate lower: Santander, Aviva. There may be exceptions; HSBC (Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank) is a company I rate higher.