What is it with people and ebay...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. when you buy something do you pay almost straight after bidding? what is it with cocking people who bid buy and then you dont hear from them for days, if at all!!...............
  2. It's shite!
    I sold an exhaust system about a year ago, the tosser won the auction, then didn't pay straight off.
    I e-mailed him after 3 days, no response, so I offered it to the next bidder, who snapped it up.

    Next thing the original bidder negged me! Only neg I have!


    I know there's a 4 day paying period, but it's too long IMO. You'll lose the other bidders!
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  3. I sold an HTC tablet recently. The guy paid promptly, I shipped it, then he raised an ebay dispute claming it was not as described as it had a large scratch on the screen. I knew it was bullshit. Initially he asked to return it for a full refund. I smelled a rat and knew that I would end up getting another pad back with a scratch on it and that he would keep my original one. I agreed to a refund, and then he asked if I would pay the return postage. I had cost me £10 to send it so I offered to pay the return postage if I was happy that he had returned my pad in the condition that I had sent it to him. The cheeky bastard then said that he had found a buyer for it and would close the dispute if I refunded him the £10. Reluctantly I accepted it and refunded him, as I knew that if I pursued it and insisted on having my tablet back he would have then scratched it so as to back up his complaint.

    ebay is fine if you are buying but I'll think twice before selling anything else on there. It's just not worth the hassle.
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  4. Mobile phones are the biggest nightmare with what seems like every illiterate fool in the World wanting to buy it for peanuts "cash in your hand, I'll collect it tonight" then threaten all sorts of shit when you tell them to just bid on it and wait for the auction to end.
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  5. Take (and date stamp) photos of the item as you pack and despatch it. Proof is worth having.
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  6. I photo everything I sell in ebay and get someone to witness it. Tbh I would only use it as a last resort now, seeing how much hassle it causes....buying fine, selling is just way too much grief.
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  7. When I win/buy, I pay straight away. I think its really rude when winning bidders f-about with paying
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  8. Least of my problems.... "will you take xxx amount for it i can come and view tomorrow" reluctantly agree and then no show? I don't give my address until i know they are on the way that day so it's not the local thieves. What is wrong with these people :)
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  9. I always pay as soon as I win - it's only polite. I only ever buy or sell using PayPal, it's easier that way. Only ever had problems twice - once buying a bike seat, many years ago, seller didn't have PayPal so I sent a cheque - never got the seat. Complained, got nothing, complained to e-bay and the seller just disappeared (hence now only ever use PayPal). Other time - sold a teapot to a bloke who complained that it was cracked and he wanted his money back. Same deal as the HTC tablet story above - what do you do ? Asked for proof, got none. Asked for it back, got told "it broke so we threw it away"... Bloody chancer !
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  10. When buying I would normally pay straight away or within a couple of hours at most.I havn't had trouble selling stuff and always do a number of photos as warranted by the item,also a truthful description,warts and all.
    I have only had one real problem with a purchase-the sender giving me the runaround and eventually pulling the 'I have proof of posting'.At this point I informed her that my contract was with her,not the Royal Mail.Two days later and a month after winning I got my item,and a note asking me to give her positive feedback!!!
    She stopped trading,or changed her name a few weeks later.
  11. Yep did that. My wife will agree that it was unmarked too. None of that changes the fact that if I pushed the buyer to return it, even with me picking up the tab for postage, I'm sure he would have then scratched it to back up his claim. It becomes my word against his and eBay comes down on the side of the buyer.

    I informed him I would let him keep the tablet and refund him the £10 if he would send me some pictures showing the scratch so that "I could claim against the carriers insurance for damage in transit". The dumbass then sent me pictures and I'm 99% certain that it wasn't my tablet.
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  12. I always pay straight away via paypal
    My items have always been sent straight away. I guess I have been lucky so far
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  13. 36 hrs no contact ive sent two emails both to a mobile internet address and breath!
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  14. Do you not have the powers to find them

  15. well.......................no because that would be an abuse.........:cool:
  16. Don't you have friends.... ;-)
  17. I'm glad you have had good buying experience but as a 99.9% buyer I have had a massive amount of grief - would put it easily at a third of total transactions.
  18. I tend to use it as a catalogue of whats available and pricing.....then shop elsewhere if I can.

    if I do use it im definately a buyer and not a seller these days....too much aggro

    sell on gumtree - cash only
  19. I always pay straight up and normally only buy from traders. Everytime I've sold something I've had grief, most recently when I sold an iphone4. Buyer raised a dispute as it wasn't as advertised. Guess he should have rad the ad properly and asked if it was unlocked! Dispute now closed, but it took some arguing with eBay as they always seem to side with the buyer, not seller.
  20. Puts you right off eBay reading some of these stories. I ended up selling my Galaxy S3 a few months ago to MazumaMobile and it was an excellent experience. No quibbles, good price. Money payed directly into bank same day. I will always take a small hit now selling mobiles to companies like these instead of eBay buyers.
    Try the Facebook site buying and selling locally groups. Girlfriend uses these, they're free and people come collect, cash payment and no fees. It's a win win.
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