What Method Of Payment To Accept On Second Hand Bike Sale.

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Noble Ron, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. How do you accept deposit and final payment from an Ebay person for a £9k bike?

    I have heard that even if a person pays an amount via Paypal as a friend they can still 'chargeback' the monies and you loose out as its in their favour.

    The best way I guess would be a straight transfer to your own bank account, although that means you are giving a stranger your bank details and with the openness of the internet, your home address and date of birth can be found easily.

    Im not sure I would like to receive £9k in cash these days with the complexity of forged notes.

  2. Take cash mate just make sure you do the deal during the day and both go to bank to deposit
  3. 9K worth of Wotsits, it's the only safe way.
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  4. some people over think every thing..............................................
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  5. Bankers draft, call the bank to validate it then release the bike. Else what Johnnye has said, both go to the bank together to deposit the nine in cash.
    I wouldn't worry to much about giving out your sort code and account number but that's your call.
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  6. Every time you issue a check you give that person your account no and sort code along with a copy of your signature, some ever ask for your address on the back, so why worry about the Internet.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. I'd be happy with transfer. Just as long as its cleared funds
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  8. have you any idea how much those dots cost ?
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  9. Postal orders...
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  10. Id be happy to accept the wotsits!
  11. Transfer or bankers draft.
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  12. Im surprised nobody said premium bonds.

  13. There is nobody in this thread called nobody, so how can you know, what nobody has said?
  14. Green shield stamps? Lol
  15. Boobies :Wideyed:
  16. Pretty Big Firm Boobies for that amount :Wideyed:
  17. Borrow DB's :Happy:
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