Well for starters an app with a GPS locations system to find Bob's Ices - I keep hearing him but cant find him
Something that informs me when a Police traffic car with an anti biking midget driving is right up the arse end of my 1098! I cant begin to tell you how useless the ducati mirrors are compared to the jap bikes.
Toilet seats operated like a pedal bin so the default position is closed but can be opened by foot when we need a wee and close automatically, thus solving the toilet seat left up worry that lady folk have...
Or grass that doesn't grow............seeing as how I have half an acre to cut right now and I only did it last week. Oh, and grass that doesn't magically turn itself into iron under the mower when you have put it away. AL
Hands that don't get dirty when you have to work without gloves...............or non-discolouring oil and cr*p which glues itself into every crevice of the bike and my hands.....