Hey all! Im hoping to get my 916 tail Autographed and then lacquered over so it never comes off. But im worried the Autograph might "run/bleed" when laquered. So what permanent pen and lacquer should i use? Thanks for any help forum! DQ
I would buy a sharpie. Then I'd write something with it on a painted surface. Followed by a couple of coats of clear coat sprayed from a rattle can. But you could give the sharpie to your sprayer, and ask him/ her to test it for you? Whose name do you want on your tail piece?
Carl Fogarty is doing a book signing on sunday in Sheffield and im hoping he would be kind enough to sign it for me. So time isnt on my side for trial and error, and i dont want to botch it up if he does sign it. That said, i only ride my bike on sunny days, so if i didnt laquer it, maybe if i was careful when washing it, the permanent marker would just be fine on its own. mmmm.. The puzzles life throws at one! lol
Any permanent marker should be Ok, once signed leave the panel in your house so it has time to dry properly then lacquer
Thanks for the feedback guys. If im succesful, i'll upload a pic sunday afternoon. Sounds like the only way to go cookster
transparent wrapping!? thats cling film in my noob book! lol Explain that one please SalkinSupersport
You know, like car wrapping. Some use transparent wrapping on cars and bikes to protect from scratches and stone chips.
Just get him to sign your bum cheeks with a Sharpie and then get it tattooed.. You can probably get that lacquered....HTH
ROFL... nah, i dont love him that much... its just my bike thats showing him the love. Im not even going there on my bike! just the tail in the boot!
Maybe of more help... http://www.sharpie.com/markers/speciality/extreme/SHExtreme.html UV will fade even black ink, so something more specialized might be better..
I have this coming tomorrow but i dunno if it has the legs! https://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/paint-pens-paint-markers/7050967/