Just a bit of fun but if you ever get a job offer it`s handy to have a name ready. The Porn Star Name Generator | GangstaName.com If I use capitals and lower case I`m Sergeant Jiggler. If I use all lower case I`m Butt Deep .
Just put Nicky's name in and she's Exotica Dangler! Her reply to that is " probably quite appropriate"
I'm not sure I like the sound of this at all Rick Asstronut. Forum porn name is Sir Spankadocious. Much more like it
NOOO - your Porn Star name is the name of your first pet and your mothers maiden name or in my case Snoopy Norman
Excellent in that case I'm Topsy Poulet Speedy Poulet or Goldie Poulet My first pets were 3 tortoises :smile: