I've got a set of 08 1098 forks and standard rear shock sat in the loft doing nothing and was thinking of 'getting rid' any idea of a price I should ask?
I was in a similar position with a set from a 1098r after upgrading to Ohlins Rand T . Put them on e bay got lots of interest and they ended up going for £800 ( forks only) Hope that helps
Find another bike it drops into like a monster or something with little adjustments. The it makes it more saleable for more dosh
Might be interested in these for my 996/1098 waspyfrankinduke. All spent out till the end of the month, unless I have something you want. I have 996 clocks, throttle bodies, engine, set of stainless micron cans, s2r swingarm, forks, spring, yolkes.
If your interested and would like them I'll not put them on eBay, as I said they're sat in the loft and a few weeks extra up there won't hurt them. £300 for the front and rear?