You sure it's a Ducati tank (I know it says ducati on the side, but that don't mean owt)? I recognise the shape but can't place it.
mystified as to why it's got Ducati on the tank at all. As above - looks more like a Japanese two stroke type from the 70's maybe?
Reading the web site, the guy tried a load of different ones and this was one but doesn't day off what. And why put Ducati on it if it wasn't?! I suspect its old school something, wondered if pantah but looks too shallow, is a scrambler that long? This is USA
Nothing like the 450 Scrambler, I've already checked. Nothing like the 600TL either. I do recognise it though.
Don t Ask Dirt Bike Tech Questions Answered by quot Superhunky quot : Ducati 1971 R/T??? think I will need to take some measurements and head to Kempton auto jumble, see if I can pick up a bargain. Then enlist help from someone close enough and friendly to help me try and get to fit and work ;-) All offers welcome
DR, want to street tracker it still, think it will be something I can then still take off road but look a bit nicer, be a bit lower and a bit lighter. Got to do trackbike first and repair/paint/service then want to see if I can do anything with this