I've got hundreds of vinyl singles, all going back to late 70's early 80's. A fairly varied mix of music and I used to always collect the coloured and pictured vinyl inc Squeeze, Police, Pistols and my favourite picture vinyl is Cars. Friend of mine said there's a couple in there worth a couple of hundred pounds .......... really ! I don't want someone cherry picking what they want I ( if I sell ) want the whole lot gone. They're all in plastic and cardboard sleeves and in a wooden, carry handle box. Don't know where to start, any collectors on here and any info would be greatly appreciated.
I'v got some very rare Clash singles and albums but I played them to death in the 70's and they are bit scratched and the sleeves are dog eared. ........probably not worth much in the state they're in. There must be loads of collectors out there . You would do better to sell them individually I would say.
You could either invest the time in identifying the 'gems' or just take them all to a 'vinyl' record shop that are dotted around. Spoke to one in Guildford only last week with similar thoughts to yours.
I have stuff like Disraeli Gears; Electric Ladyland, Physical Graffiti etc, all in fairly good condition.........Can't face disposing of them, even if I have them on CD as well.....
I have a 12 inch single called "making bacon" by The Pork Dukes" from about 1977...........my mum was disgusted with the lyrics.
I thought my (unplayed) 'New Worlds Fair' by Michael Moorcock would be worth something by now only to find that it has been re-released twice since 1975
Try a stall in a record fair, but do your research beforehand. I made a lot of money in the mid seventies selling my DC and Marvel comics. I has the first X men Marvel comic (number 1) what would that be worth now. I still have vinyl records from the sixties that my father collected, not sure how much Sun Arise by Rolf Harris would fetch now!? but some of the rarer Beatles albums might be worth a few quid.
a copy of X Men #1 sold in the states in 2012 for just under half a million dollars. That one was in near perfect condition though, normally they go for a couple of grand...
Well it was 1975, I sold it for a quid! It seemed like a lot at the time. It was totally mint by the way.
Singles and LP's are as a rule, only of any significant value if they are in near perfect condition and in the original record sleeves complete with any other artwork that came with them. The OP says his are in plastic and cardboard sleeves. So they will be worth something, even if some are rare, but nowhere near as much as they would be if in original sleeves and artwork. I started buying singles and LP's around 1969 and still have everything i have ever bought, but mine are still in the sleeves they came in new. Still play them as well, CD is good but nowhere near to the sound of a well recorded and cut LP.
Your comment is noted lol. But i'm guessing you have probably never heard a well cut and recorded LP played on a Mitchell Orb, or any top quality Deck ? Nothing to do with nostalgia as it happens, i've also got a large collection of CD's as well and they are played on a well regarded Naim deck. The same album played through both sources always sounds better on Vinyl.
keep em. never sell or give real records away. try not to loose them either. or have them stolen. music is memories.