Whats planned for the winter then?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Nov 22, 2013.

  1. Bikewise, got a few jobs myself. Strip and replace/repair gixer bodywork, get it serviced and dyno set up and ready for Feb use againIf I get time, and the drive, and can stand the cold, I want to strip and mess with my DR, try and get it to look more street tracker and be lower and lighter. Likely its was above my paygrade for skill but feck it, why not?! Soon for sale: DR650 project bike.....
  2. Build a Track Bike... Done!

    Gut the 1098 and add new loom/ecu/screen...Done!

    F*ck it...May have to do some decorating..:frown:
  3. Ah, big plans! Build a man cave, then start on a couple of little projects I have planned. Can't wait!
  4. Accumulate stuff and add it to bikes.
  5. I have to put my new tax disc on the bike at the end of the month :wink:
  6. :smile:
  7. Satan...!
  8. Move down to Cornwall, and find a job!!
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  9. Winter hill walking and climbing, the odd cycle ride and a bit of skiing.
  10. wreck my liver.
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  11. Keep warm.....according to the experts (not the Met Office) it is going to be the worst winter since 1947.......

    ....I'm glad I don't smoke anymore, at least I can afford a gallon of heating oil..........
  12. Fork seals, chain and sprockets on 1098 to replace, crash damage on 748 to repair, tidy up bikes in living room so I can move about more easily, thread repairs to engine casing to stop oil leaks on Trident, clean and drool over S4RS ready for Spring, decide if 998 will get used next year and service it if it does, find money for new car, repair and sell old car, try to find money for ski holiday. Other than that I've got sod all to do except get pissed as often as possible.
  13. Move house.
  14. try and get the bloody bike to run properly :wink:
  15. Yeah,but where abouts are you gonna put it?
  16. Umm.... Maybe buy a Oberon Slave cylinder for my bike.

    And.. Try and stop some of the condensation in my garage.
  17. Get the desmo service done, chain and sprockets to change, need to replace the clutch plates (again), alter the rear brake lever position. Get some new carbon from Conquest. As for the Monster, absolutely nothing :)
  18. You forgot something: get an alarm!:biggrin:
  19. Change belts on SPS (she's had a "gap yaah")
    Fit Brembo 4 pad calipers to M1100
    Get R exhaust welded and tart it up a bit.
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