899 What's The Best Thing About Your 899

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Teztec, May 5, 2014.

  1. Interested to read what you guys love about the 899
    And is there any thing you don't like?
    I've been mulling over a few bikes and think I've now decided it's going to be the 899.
    Just gotta decide the colour now ,and see what I can get thrown in with the deal if anything,:)
  2. There's nothing I don't like! My 848 was great but the 899 is even better.
  3. Hows the front end? A lot of 1199 rides complain it feels flighty and vague. Any tried both and can tell a difference?
  4. Love the turn in and ability to change direction with the grace of Nureyev.
    The confidence it gives under load, and thankfully the brakes!
    Rasp from the termis and the fact it looks good from all angles.

    Thought the number plate hangar resembled Nellie the elephant so rectified that, hell if you've an arse like that you wear a thong, not bloomers....
  5. Only had 4 hrs on a demo bike my first impression,
    Mirrors good view of my elbows :)
    Gear box best I've ever used
    Loved the motor not blinding fast,but I'm unfairly comparing it to my K13 which is ballistic
    Brakes Not that impressed to be honest ,lacked initial bite ,but very rarely use the brakes anyway.
    Handling felt good I wasn't really pushing the front so can't really answer the front end question,
    I would imagine the power of the 1199 can get the front to go lite,
    I have considered the 1199 but my budget would only get me the base model
    And I don't think I'm good enough to tap in to half of its capabilities
    Where as the 899 I think I could push it harder and get more satisfaction in doing so
  6. Had mine 5 months now and there is not a lot not to like,but there is a few little niggles,as mentioned a few times the brakes lack a bit of feel,i am thinking a brembo racing master cylinder may help,headlights are crap,i only use the qs when on a spirited ride as its not that friendly on lazy changes ,the clutch seems noisy for a wet clutch and its a long way to the edge of the 60 profile tyre.
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  7. I found the front vague on the 1199 but mainly because it felt like it wanted to wheelie so much, even in corners I felt that if I opened the throttle it would just push wide. I'm hopefully riding a 899 on Saturday so will be able to see how it compares to my evo.

    I do love the brakes on the 848 though!!!
  8. So anyone got to the edge of the 60 profile:)
    We will need photo evidence;-)
  9. Not quite there yet......


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  10. Vaio,that's impressive !
    Don't fall off the edge :-0
    I see you have a 1199 as well,
    If you could only have one panni,which one would it be
  11. My new 899. Isn't she pretty :)


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  12. Molto bella....El T.

    Evotech tail tidy required though.
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  13. WOW!!!That is bloody gorgeous !!
    Oh I should have said "Bellissimo":)
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  14. E.T. that is just stunning........i am really interested to see how you get on with it, how it compares to the 848. You'll have to wait until you run it in ofo course before you go winding it up :Watching:

    I love the graphics, wear well mate !!!!!!!!!!!!

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  15. Teztec...Interesting question; I prefer the look of the ds swing arm and oddly, the 899 indicators with the evotech tail tidy. When you consider cost, it would be the 899 although the extra power of the 1199 is exhilarating and addictive. Both bikes handle like a dream, although the 1199 is a teeth wobbler for a light weight like me.

    So, probably the 899 and spend a bit of dosh on an upgrade to the rear shock.

    I am considering putting rear sets on the 1199, as I find it difficult to cover the rear brake under hard acceleration.
  16. "exhilarating and addictive. "
    I think I need to try the 1199 before I dismiss it altogether ,
    £1500 more for the base model while stocks last.

    Slippery slope add on's once you start it's hard to stop:upyeah:
  17. That does look nice!
  18. Lol.... I'll sum it up. Take the 899 for a 100 mile ride and when I get home I think "fook me, that was fun" take the 1199 out for a 100 mile and when I get home I think "fook me, I made it home..... let's go out again."

    I think you will find it's a tad more than £1500....
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  19. Its a no brainer, if you are lucky enough to be able to go for the 1199.
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