1000 What's This Resistor/diode For In The Starter Circuit?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by buzzer, Oct 1, 2017.

  1. Anyone know what this resistor/diode is for? its between the wires going to the starter solenoid. it looks to have been fitted by someone other than original, but I am not sure?

  2. Side stand bypass possibly. You need a diode and a connection to the Neutral light to make this circuit
  3. Ah, thanks for that Chris, that link explains that some alarms fitted a resistor, and this did have a Datatool alarm fitted.
  4. Its not a resistor, its a diode. Lets electricity flow in one direction only.
  5. Prevents the ECU getting spiked by 12v back feeding from the solenoid contacts.
    Seen a couple of badly fitted alarms over the years bypass the diode and knocking out the starter circuit in the ECU's that employ servo start function.
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