What's your mental age?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. 27 when people ask me my age

    10 when it comes to Star Wars, James Bond or any other childhood film I used to watch

    6 when I'm winding up my step daughter :)
  2. 28, my wife thinks I'm 9 tho'.
  3. I got it as low as 10 but no higher than 43. I'm probably somewhere in that range.
  4. variable 21 in summer, 80 in winter.
  5. Mine says 25 which would be very nice.:upyeah: Certainly don't feel my age. But did yesterday when I slipped on the decking and landed on my arse. :frown:
  6. I'm a nice rounded 22 :cool:
  7. I'm 22, half my actual age :biggrin:
  8. I'm 25.however, as I have the cardboard tubes that the Xmas wrapping paper comes on to play with,Mrs Mervyn reckons 8 years old max!:tongue:Now make that 6.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Blimey!... 34!!! Would never have thought that!!
  10. 19,

    I'm 59 next month
  11. They do say that life begins at 40.
  12. Obviously an accurate assessment tool then...
  13. 19 and 61 in reality
    Its often said I don't look my age! :cool:
  14. I answered as sensibly and boringly as possible and ended up a 34. I'll take that seeing as how I'm 48
  15. Is that as low as it goes?
    Mr C and ET.
  16. Wow,Im bloody 28.Thought Id be closer to 12.Actually 51.
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