1200 DVT Wheel Bearings

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Vtwin4fun, Jun 3, 2020.

  1. Hi all, just having a new front tyre fitted and noticed the front wheel bearings are very stiff to the point the balancing machine throws an error as the wheel isnt spinning freely. Just wondering if anyone else has had this happen. It's on a 2016 1200 DVT with 11000 miles
  2. Ended up taking the OEM ones out as they were really stiff to the point one side couldn't be turned by hand. Bought some new ones from a bearing place a few doors down from the tyre fitters and dropped them in and all good. Interestingly the old ones feel perfect out the wheel. But the new ones now spin freely.
    Also there's definitely a "technique " to getting the old ones out. Basically there's a hole at one end of the internal spacer which I ended up putting a bent pick tool down and then hitting with an extension bar.
    I'm now going to remove the rear wheel as the last time i had that out they were stiff too. Not exactly confidence inspiring on a premium bike with only 11k miles on.
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  3. I had my wheels powder coated, replaced bearings while they were being done, I put the new ones in the freezer for a day or so and they dropped in lovely, now packed with the expensive grease they feel great, when you get the hub removed from the rear pack the bearings well, makes all the difference.
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