I have had a driving licence for 36 years, my first offence coming a couple of years later when I was framed and got a driving without due care. I'm sure that it was a £30 fine and one endorsement. Very recently I was caught bang to rights by Avon & Somerset speed contractor, 73 in a 60 on the dreaded Ilminster bypass. It made me wonder what year points took over from endorsements, I have looked on google without success, so far. Does anyone know ?
I think it was 1982. I started driving in 1980 and it changed from endorsements to points soon after, meaning I just about avoided losing my license...
I think it was around 1988, because I got nicked in 1987 and only got an endorsement. In 1989 I got points.
Nah, I was well and truly banned by then, and I was banned on points not endorsements. It was much earlier in the eighties.
You didn't look hard enough Penalty points and totting up - Driving offences, penalty points and fines - Driving advice - Driving your car - Which? Car
Bought my first bike in Feb '85 and passed my test in November '85 and between those 2 dates I acquired 2 points on my licence (and a £35.00 fine) for carrying a passenger on L-Plates.
I got my first points the week I got my frst bike in 1986 - I also got knocked off by a hit'n'run and crashed on my Instructors lawn that week too...
got my first 6 in 84 maybe they where called endorsements lost my license in 88 for six months through the toting up thing. didn't stop me riding tho. good job i didn't get caught. jail for that i think.