Got my new Multi 2 weeks before Christmas, didn't get out too much over the holidays as the weather was so s***e. So this morning on my 1st day back at work and the weather being pretty reasonable I decided to ride to work. I parked her up on the side stand went to work, came out 8 hours later and found that some a.hole had decided to have a sit on my bike and when they put it back on the stand smacked the left hand mirror into the railings and crack the mirror outer casing. Can't blummin believe it, a)- what gives someone the right to just get on my bike and b)- damage it then bugger off without owning up. Will obviously ask around at work tomorrow to see if anything on the CCTV and maybe find the cheeky git, but if not anyone know how much a standard mirror casing replacement is likely to cost? Ta for reading my rant and I guess I should be grateful they didn't drop the whole bike
picked up my multi about the same time as you. I'm thinking,better to kill everybody at work rather than let one mother escape unpunished ! :frown:
Lol .... Just don't let tel near the seat ..... On a more serious note , a taser rigged under the seat on a pressure plate ???? Might fry the battery but fuck me what a laugh ....... I'll will come up with the design muwahahaha ......