V2 When Were The First V2’s Delivered?

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by outintheopen, Jul 1, 2020.

  1. I’m thinking March this year?
  2. Haven’t Ducati been selling V2’s way before this year?
  3. December 2019 in France.
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  4. Just trying to gauge how long between releases they wait until launching new colour scheme/editions.
  5. I got mine in Feb, somewhen around the 16th and wasn’t the first, but was probably nearer one of the first that was going to be used on the road, most before mine were Trioptions bikes that were just getting loaded into vans for trackdays
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  6. 8 September 1944

    V2 rocket A4.jpg
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  7. Mine was delivered the 26th February in readiness for the 1st March 2020. I definitely wasn’t the first to have one.
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