Where Do The Pics Come From?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ronin, May 7, 2014.

  1. When using the forum on tapatalk and going to the lounge you get some random picture. Last few days was some bearded chap but today is a rather pleasing lady!
  2. :) ha ha, I have no idea. Probably way back somewhere in the coding. Ie the system is smart enough to draw from a library of images held somewhere else, and clearly the lovely lady in the pink was in some sort of 'lounge' at the time....I guess ;)
  3. Does it say she's on "Strictly Come Dancing" in the background?
  4. I'm wondering if I don't actually know that petrol station. It looks familiar but pic is a bit small.
  5. I clicked on this thread hoping it was about that exact picture. Thanks for the disappointment.
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  6. Karen Hauer........nice
  7. definitely a Strictly theme going on
  8. Now where did ET pose for that lounge picture.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Glanced at this and miss-read the title...

    Thought it said "Where does the piss come from..." ;)
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. She's back!
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