i see all these smaller number plates and a new indicator set up for the rear of my 748 and i want one but firstly where is a reasonable numberplate bracket/indicator? and where do you buy these small number plates? grant
just for show...obviously My Showplates - Number Plate design page - see what you can design you ain't seen me
Just bought mine from here: Show Plates for Cars and Bikes - Show Number Plates, Custom Number Plates, Car Plates, Bike Plates
This is where I bought all my custom plates from. Brilliant service. I just got a 6x4 inch one for the Multi actually! Literally ordered it 5 minutes ago.
Might be worth checking out your local plod's attitude to small plates before you fit one... It's a £60 fine for an illegal plate (even if the only non-standard thing about it is italic lettering - lesson learnt from experience).
What JR says is correct. The fine went up from £30. Strangely enough its only a £30 fine for not having a plate fitted. Go figure. Copper told me that as he was issuing me a £60 fine. Doesn't happen often. Once a year (ish).
I went for an 8"x6" plate, so not massively smaller, and i've never been pulled using that size either (did that sound dirty?):tongue:
I think their biggest problem with illegal plates is that they are difficult for ANPR to read... Call me cynical...
Exactly what I use on my bikes. 8x6 is one inch smaller both ways but you can still have full size digits. Just looks a bit smarter than the standard dinner plate of 9x7. It doesn't scream illegal but looks much better IMO.
Bit of bad news lads it has gone up to £100.00, even plod are using inflation as an excuse to screw you for even more of your hard earned cash. Got done for this one the other day:-
I go here Custom Car Number Plates & Bike Number Plates | Lovely Plates A little bit costly but the plate designer means you can increase the size of the font to fill the plate as much as possible - ie - usually a strip plate with stock lettering makes it even smaller thus increasing the likelihood of a pull....if the letters are a big as possible then you've got more chance of not getting nabbed as said copper can see the letters....plus you can add a slogan as well...
I've just received my 8*6, with makers stamp, BS numbers, the lot. Apparently as it's only a six character plate that size is legal. It looks much better than the one on now...