Where was Wantz1?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MrAliT, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. last time i was in the alps was the last wdw, cant remember when that was though?
  2. wasnt it that time you where evading capture.
  3. What's he probed this time ?
  4. Al, are you implying our very own Wantz is a hired killer?
  5. Looking slightly like a badly drawn e-fit doesn't make you guilty..... Unless you work for the Daily Mail
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  6. It's says on the report and I quote. The man's helmet was said by prosecutors to be "very particular",

    I would like to set the record straight and say that his helmet is in fact 'perfectly normal ' being red with a white stripe
    • Like Like x 2
  7. Lipstick? :wink:
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