Where's Funky?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by nuttynick, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. There's a few old regulars who seemed to dissappear recently, Funkyrimpler being one of them. He's not been on line since December, anyone seen or heard from him?
  2. He went walkabout once before and came back full of life, I can't believe he's been quiet so long this time as he had only just purchased the new to him 1098 Tricolour when we last heard from him. Do miss him.
  3. The TV "Goons" have got him :Clown:
  4. I think he went to another forum
    His ramblings made me giggle :)
    Come back funky
  5. Surely there is no other forum.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. He always made me smile, proper rants!
  7. I got on well with Si, but he did rub people up the wrong way
  8. Where's "spec me a holiday/girlfriend/packet of crisps/dating chat site/sniper course" Freshage?
  9. I think Exige has filled that vacancy ;)
  10. Maybe the BBC caught up with him.
  11. Wasn't he hoisted by his own petard over some utube vid/comments?
  12. guitar related?
  13. lol yes. That was funny.
  14. Still active on YouTube unless someone's pinched his handle

  15. No where near

    We can buy Exige off with a few boobies :)
    • Like Like x 1
  16. You may be able to. My man boobs won't cut the mustard with @Exige
  17. There is photo shop :)
  18. You can get reduction ops.
  19. Compare me to no one girl ;) even coloured girls have been in awe and wide eyed :Wideyed:
  20. Two dicks Dave ?
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