Whiplash Claim

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by tricolore, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. I was driving home on Friday night when a car went into the back of me, not too much damage but bad enough for the car to be off the road.

    At a BBQ last night just about everybody asked if I was going to claim for whiplash. When I was hit I did feel it in my neck but on Sunday I felt no pain or any discomfort.

    Am I missing something here, why would I claim for no lasting injury, I've not missed any days off work. Don't get me wrong nothing I would like more than receiving £3000 but I would just find it morally wrong to basically make a false claim but I seem to be in the minority !!
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  2. these claims are what keeps the no win no fee solicitors in business and affect everyone's car insurance premiums. Daytime tv especially around that nice man David Dickinson [who did his bird and is now clean] exhultations by such firms demonstrate how much these sharks can make. My wife and her sister, daughter and friend were in a car hit behind by a lorry. They were all offered a £200 cash bribe (under the counter)to let a firm of solicitors handle their claims. That was on top of the compensation they would get. Mind you, the car was written off (a Passat) and all were injured.
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  3. The issue is that whiplash injuries can present over a long time so even though you may feel fine now, that is not to say some time later, you could end up with neck pain and other problems. That said, it requires a fairly big hot to create such injuries and the majority of whiplash claims are at levels you would exceed on the tea cup ride at Legoland.

    Personally, I'd suggest the best way is to remove yourself from the emotion of whether there is a legitimate claim and see what the insurance company suggest. No harm having a quick medical check and if all OK, then you can get on without some spurious claim.
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  4. This is what is causing insurance policies to rise in price year on year - It's almost certain that you will start being contacted by the no win no fee mob - My partner was hit by a van a couple of years ago - No serious damage or injuries, but she was inundated with calls out of the blue about claiming for injuries...

    I guess it's up to you really - Potentially you could get a bit of money for the crash, but my view is it is turning into an American culture where the slightest tap can lead to £1000's being paid out...
  5. The compensation culture was seen in full effect a few years ago when the sound of a bus accident drew local residents into the street to see what had happened. The bus had run into a parked lorry. The bus had 14 passengers, yet the bus company received some 180 claims from people who all curiously lived on that street, all claiming they'd been on the bus at the time of the accident. There was no disproving they hadn't been on the bus. All got paid out.

    I was reminded of the tale when stopped behind a bus last week; on the rear window was a notice stating that the bus company now fits all its buses with CCTV to show who is on the bus should it be involved in an accident!
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  6. its a bit sickening to see all of these claims and the amounts people seem to be getting, driving my work van 3 years ago I had a car rear end me at 80mph (while I was doing 40 slowing on the motorway as there was a queue of traffic in front of me). I actually had whiplash and I can tell you its not fun, I couldn't move my head for 3 weeks, then for the next 2 months I was in pain when I did. I also couldn't raise my left arm over shoulder level and had a series of x-rays and mri scans to establish I had torn the tendons in my shoulder trying to wrestle the van under control before I hit anyone else. I was self employed at the time and had to continue working in agony otherwise I wouldn't have got paid, I made a claim and got a grand total of £1600, other people I know with much less injuries got over £3000!

    In principal I don't have a problem with claims for personal injuries, but I do have a problem with people who are claiming and getting ridiculous payouts when they aren't actually injured.
  7. When the phone calls start coming in from the chasers, just say you have terrible pains in your back and neck, and it might have you off work for a long time............cue half a million payout...........

    .............or, do what I do and tell them to F-off...........

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  8. During my off at Brands I hit my head pretty hard and strained my neck, which led to the common symptoms of whiplash, ie headache for days, and a very sore neck. If you genuinely felt hurt after the crash then you can and should do something about it. If on the other hand you are just trying to use the system, then I would advise against it
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  9. DO NOT under any circumstances allow a "claims handling" company to get involved - they are just in it for what they can get. And well done - respect to you for having the moral courage to not rip off the system.
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  10. got hit head on whilst stationary on my fireblade at a junction in 1997, through me over the top of the car and landed on my back with a rucksack on , had whiplash, had xrays had physio and massages etc till they could do no more about 6 months later, had pain in my neck for approx. 3 years, felt like something sharp pushed in the top of my neck, normally whilst riding or driving, got about 10k for bike and injury, honestly thought it wouldn't ever go away, but like I say, just sort of was ok about 3 years later, kev
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