The nose of my brothers white 848 has a few chips and he has been looking at those Motografix gel numberboards. Red bike is no problem, you just fit a plain white one but the white bike is a bit different, plain white may clash with the pearl white paint making it look dirty, don't know if the ones with colour in them look cheap and the black may just look like an afterthought. You cannot tell just looking at the pictures so has anyone got one fitted to their white bike to see what they look like ?
I bought a black one from the states via ebay, but I removed it as I felt it was a bit much. I have a white 1198. Decided a silver one might look better. Especially one like the 848evo.
Hows about these? Black in white looks good........this was done by an 'American' so the bling gold pinstripe might be a bit much. I did the number boards on my 848 track fairings in wrap. Cheap and you can peel it off if it goes wrong/you change your mind. Full thread here if you can be bothered
I had a set of those Ali, I wasnt impressed with the quality and to be frank it didnt suit the bike IMO. I have the pearl white 1198. They needed to be thicker vinyl rather than the thin sheet it was, plus the pinstripe was dull. Talk about a pain in the ass to apply too...never again. My 916 boards are painted on.
Yeah, I think a scheme similar to an 848 EVO would look good. But I really like the 848EVO colour scheme with the ally tank. Gorgeous bikes.