Who was after a shed

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Char, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. No idea but I know a few that ride one :tongue:
  2. dunno Char but them type sweat like mad and not good for housing Italian steel..
  3. I though they wanted to store their tools :eek:
  4. i'm sure would be perfect for storing any wooden or stainless tools and preserving pickles etc.

    totally off -topic but when's this summer Ducati Forum do on? :)
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  5. waiting for your pickles to mature , get the bbq lit and confirm the date you want us round
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  6. Have you tried erecting one of these fuckers in anything more than a slight breeze!
  7. I'm still after a shed, but sadly the metal Argos jobbie wouldn't fit into the space down the side of the house currently occupied by the mouldy old shed held together with cobwebs.
  8. Asgaard do a pretty good motorbike shed, got one last year and no complaints so far.
  9. I have a couple of jars of chilli'd pickles ageing nicely, if that sways it (feck all room round my new place, so bollocks to hosting any sort of gathering beyond my lads n me).

    Back to OP, some timber, marine ply, mastic, flashing and various rawl-bolts and screws should have a made to measure shed for down your side passage (did this with my younger bro for his blade and stuff).
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