Who's going to the Hilltop Salisbury

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Char, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. Yes! I'll be there. Looking forward to a full English already!
  2. I might actually If it's dry
  3. You. What do I win? :smile:
  4. A smack round the ear from Martin :)
  5. See if I can make it, hold a chair...
  6. I'll just turn the heating on in the car :eek:
  7. they have a wimpy, didn't know they where still going. best burgers by far.
  8. Loomies at 930 for anyone coming from east or likely end a272 winchester as it joins a31 about 940
  9. Their were a wimpy - best burgers in Salisbury are outside B&Q - but it's too cold to be hanging around outside
  10. Might be able to do this
  11. might have been up for it but now going to Hindhead or Lewes tomorrow.
  12. i'll be there too, car or bike hopefully
  13. Will be bike only for me so if weather bad give someone else the chair ;-)
  14. I cannot get out tomorrow (been out all day today) Two things of note though, the road is flooded underneath the A303 at Popham and I thought Hilltop was closed. The bikers in Salisbury seem to be using Clearways, which is half a mile further along the A30 towards Salisbury.
  15. Clearways is full of roaches

    Hilltop closed for about a week late last summer - called The Venue now - car parks better to
  16. Togged up and off to the garage, hoping to pick two more up at Loomies
  17. Make it 3 See you there
  18. A sea of red [​IMG]

    Good turnout despite a nip in the air
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