I have just read another sorry tale of woe on here and genuinely feel for the owners loss of his pride and joy as well as knowing it may well be inconvenient. We ride nice bikes that are easily stolen by a couple of scrotes in a van why don't we all fit BikeTracs or similar tracking devices. Im not holier than thou as I have only just had one fitted one myself, but they guarantee to get it back and it reduced my insurance premium.
Do the police act on it and do you want it back if its been stolen: wont it recorded as stolen recovered?
From what I understand these systems are not infallible by some margin. Further, is the annual insurance premium reduction equal or greater to the cost of the system over a year? The subscription range for Bike Trac for example is £ 100 for 12 months to £230 for 36 months, plus the cost of the system. My annual insurance is around £500 and I suspect a tracker will not reduce the annual insurance cost by 20% plus the amortised system cost of £ 285 or thereabouts. If all of us use them, would it bring the overall cost of insurance down? Possibly, however, just fining uninsured drivers multiples of the cost of insurance may also have the same effect and without me having to pay out for a new alarm system. We each pay part of our insurance premium to fund these people.
only if they inform the insurance company. Which they wont do if its only been gone for an hour or so
Trackers can be blocked, found and removed. It`s another deterrent though. The scum will always find a way !
That they can, but to get to it, they have to start removing panels etc, which takes time. Personally, Im happier having one on my bike. Of course, its personal preference
I'm really undecided on these things. Potentially great if your bike gets stolen, but they can also track you when you are out and about.....that's the bit I'm really not so keen on.
I`m not against trackers, I was going to get one fitted to my trucks but after finding out they can be removed/blocked etc I decided against it. I fitted an alarm to my bike. Like you say a personal preference.
My County police force ("Service") took Tracker trace systems out of their traffic cars, so no benefit there, despite having to pay to have one fitted to my car as a prerequisite of my insurance. PS they also sold off all their motorcycle fleet, too, and have to rely on neighbouring forces when these are needed.
Same old story, the honest have to pay to stop scum stealing others property. This place is alarmed to the teeth but I shouldn't have to worry.
Quite a few mis-conceptions here, trackers have their pros and cons, as it is a GPS system, tbh any police car could track it pretty quick with just a mobile phone. Trackers now days do not just use GPS signals to track. It is personal preference, doubt you will ever re-coup the cost as the percentage is quite low it will get stolen in the first place. It does reduce the premium on insurance for as long as you have it on the bike. You can turn off the trac speed section so it is not recorded. Bike trac is also transferable so it can be removed to another bike. The main Reason I have it, is just by a chance my bike gets stolen, and the police can track it and find it, and they find a load of other bikes cars etc. and catch the criminals in the process I do understand the main reason why people do not fit it in the chance they will get the bike back after stolen.
Actually the real reason I have one fitted, is it texts me a message that my battery is low if I do not use the bike for a while so I can charge it ready for when I do use it
DataTag is free on new Duc's. In my view the more the better you have, disc lock alarms can be dirt cheap, a proper alarm may just deter a casual passer by. just might make them look else where.
Personally I hate Datatag. For it to be effective it has to be visible. Would you buy a work of art and write your postcode on it in marker pen? It cost me the best part of 700 quid to get rid of it on my 91 SS. It would actually put me off purchasing another bike with it on. What's the point of fitting something to save a few quid on insurance when it could potentially devalue your future resale value?
Glips I have only one sticker that is visible, on the side of the frame, quite discreet, personally cannot see it devaluing my bike, I can see it de-value if not fitted especially if one day Insurance Companies will only insure datataged bikes
Surely for Datatag to be effective it has to be visible. Every panel on my bike had it. Even the seat cowl. Both mirrors had the glass acid etched with the numbers. Ended up with a paint job and new mirrors
assuming you have the requisite mobile phone signal, which i do not. the GPS works, so if the bike is stolen it will be reported and tracked but the battery charge element relies on a mobile signal. I recently had a flat battery as soon as it was charged and i set off I received four texts telling me i had a flat battery.
ymfb I have received texts and an email stating battery going flat, my bike still started on the key 2 days later, what was more worrying how quick the battery goes down when messing around with the Settings etc. with ignition on it draws so much current